Malem-malem, tepatnya dini hari
begadang tapi skripsi gak kepegang, terus ngapaiiin kalo gak ngerjain skripsi???hahahaha
dengan bantuan segelas mocca float gue sukses begadang buat kepoin coconut oil se-media sosial wkwkwk
back to topic....
kali ini gue akan review salah satu lagu ter-'badass' nya Avenged Sevenfold yaitu A Little Peace Of Heaven yang diciptain sama my baby The Rev dan menjadi well, menurut gue, hymne nya mereka, kaya lagu Stairway To Heaven nya Led Zeppelin ama Bohemian Rhapsody nya Queen.
lagu ini adalah lagu mereka yang paling banyak menggunakan alat musik: piano, gitar, bass, drum, violin, terompet, cello, tuba, ampe choir juga diembat hahahaha konsepnya itu mungkin rock horror opera ya? kaya November Rain nya GNR cuma kalo November Rain gak horror sih. Bukan nyamain tapi gue pikir Jimmy pas itu mau bikin lagu yang hampir setara sama Stairway To Heaven, Bohemian Rhapsody, dan November Rain. And he did it!!!!!
ini salah satu potret mereka pas masih ada The Rev
lanjut ke lirik
before the story begins, is it such a sin?
for me to take what's mine, until the end of time
we were more than friends before the story ends
and i will take what's mine create what god would never design
our love had been so strong for far too long
and i was weak with fear that something would go wrong
before the possibilities came true
i took all possibility from you
kalo diliat dari MV nya sih ini cerita awalnya dimulai dari sepasang sahabat atau kekasih(?) yang lagi dinner bareng nah terus si cowo tuh ngelamar si cewe karna si cowo udeh cinta banget ama doi. Tapi tanpa diduga si cewek malah nolak lamaran si cowok. Eh malah si cowok tu malah ngelakuin hal yang gak pernah terpikirkan sebelumnya (create what god what never design).
almost laughed my self to tears, conjuring her deepest fear
must have stabed her fifty fucking times i can't believe it
ripped her heart out right before her eyes
eyes over easy, eat it eat it eat it
yaitu NGEBUNUH SI CEWEK DENGAN MENCABIK-CABIK DAN MEROBEK-ROBEK BADAN SI CEWEK (sampe 50 tusukan) DAN MAKAN JANTUNGNYA. Ewww sadisnya tapi ini the best part nya hahahaha apalagi ini partnya The Rev nyanyi OMG bikin merinding.......... dan suaranya bener-bener sekseeeeeehhhhhhh wkwkwkwk
she was never this good in bed even when she was sleeping
now she's just so perfect i've never been quite so fucking deep in
kegilaan si cowok belom berhenti sampe disitu, man.... lagi si cowok itu ML SAMA MAYAT CEWEKNYA. gila? iya, semua orang juga tau necrophilia (berhubungan seks sama mayat) itu sebuah penyimpangan.
it goes on and on and on
i can keep you young and peserved forever with a fountain to spray on your youth whenever
Oiya sesudah itu si cowok juga ngebersihin dan ngejait bekas luka di badan mayat ceweknya itu dan malah dansa ama si mayat, nonton tv, yah ngelakuin apa yang biasa dilakukan sama manusia biasa.
coz i really always knew that my little crime would be cold that's why i gotta heater for your thighs
actually i'm not really sure what 'crime would be cold' and 'heater for your thighs' means hahaha tapi emang di MV nya ada heater gitu tapi gue gak ngarti itu maksudnya apa. anyone knows? please tell me.
and i know, i know it's not your time, but bye bye
Yeah si cewek mati dibunuh sama cowoknya sendiri walopun si cowok tuh tau kalo sebenernya belom waktunya bagi si cewek mati, tapi ya gimana udah terjadi, so bye bye, girl....
and a word to the wise when the fire dies you think it's over but it's jus begun
DAAAAN ternyata ini bukan akhir dari segalanya but this is just the beginning.
baby don't cry, you had my heart at least for the most part
coz everybody's gotta die sometime
we fell apart let's make a new start, coz everybody's gotta die sometime, but baby don't cry
possibilities i'd never considered are occuring the likes i'd never heard
now an angry soul comes back from beyond the grave
to reposses the body with which i miss behave
ternyata cuy, si ceweknya ni bangkit dari kubur (kayak judul filem ye hahaha) dan bales dendam sama si cowok atas perbuatan jahatnya itu. Sesuatu yang gak pernah dibayangkan sama si cowok.
smiling right from ear to ear, almost laughed he self to tears
must have stabbed him fifty fucking times i can't believe it
ripped his heart out right before his eyes
eyes over easy, eat it eat it eat it
dan tipe bales dendamnya itu macem hukum qisos lah. an eye for an eye....saiiik.. dibales sama persis seperti apa yang dia lakukan ke si cewek, yaitu DICABIK DIROBEK DITUSUK TUBUHNYA 50X DAN JANTUNGNYA DIMAKAN. sadis? iya, tapi setimpal sih hehhehe.
now i realize the error of my way, i must venture back to apologize for somewhere far beyond the grave
disini si cowok akhirnya sadar kalo doi salah banget dan berniat minta maaf sama si cewek
i gotta make up for what i've done
coz i was all up in a piece of heaven
while you burn in hell no peace forever
menurut gue part ini aneh. Si cowok mau minta maaf kan ya (I gotta make up for what i've done) tapi dia di surga sedangkan si cewek di neraka, lah kalo orang udah di surga ngapain minta maaf sama orang yang di neraka ya? hehehe ngebingungin.
lanjut bagian chorus nya... sama aja yah kaya sebelumnya
coz i really always knew that my little crime would be cold that's why i gotta heater for your thighs
actually i'm not really sure what 'crime would be cold' and 'heater for your thighs' means hahaha tapi emang di MV nya ada heater gitu tapi gue gak ngarti itu maksudnya apa. anyone knows? please tell me.
and i know, i know it's not your time, but bye bye
Yeah si cewek mati dibunuh sama cowoknya sendiri walopun si cowok tuh tau kalo sebenernya belom waktunya bagi si cewek mati, tapi ya gimana udah terjadi, so bye bye, girl....
and a word to the wise when the fire dies you think it's over but it's jus begun
DAAAAN ternyata ini bukan akhir dari segalanya but this is just the beginning.
baby don't cry, you had my heart at least for the most part
coz everybody's gotta die sometime
we fell apart let's make a new start, coz everybody's gotta die sometime, but baby don't cry
i will suffer for so long (what will you do, not long enough)
to make it up to you (i pray to God that you do)
i'll do whatever you want me to do (well then i'll grant you one chance)
and if it's not enough (if it's not enough)
if it's not enough (not enough) try again (try again) and again (and again)
over and over again
di part ini si cowok kayak lagi ada di purgatory gitu. Purgatory dalam Kristen itu kaya tempat penyucian dosa sebelum masuk surga, bukan neraka juga sih. Nah di Purgatory ini si cewek ama cowok berdialog, si cowok minta maaf atas kejahatannya ama si cewek. Terus kata cewek "gue bakal ngadu ama Tuhan pokoknya kalo elu udah ngebunuh gue", si cowok mohon-mohon biar dimaafin sampe bersedia ngelakuin apa aja yang penting dia dimaafin. Si cewek pun luluh dan ngasih kesempatan kedua, ketiga, keempat, dst......... note: part cowok dinyanyiin sama Matt dan part cewek sama Julliete (entah Julliete siapa gue lupa) dan part ceweknya itu yang di dalem tanda kurung ya
we're coming back coming back, we'll live forever live forever
let's have a wedding have a wedding, let's start the killing start the killing
nah ternyata dua pasangan mayat ini balik lagi ke dunia manusia, jadi zombie jahat yang masuk gereja, mau nikah, dan ngebunuh semua hadirin di gereja beserta mempelai manusia yang lagi ngucapin wedding vow
do you take this man in death for the rest of your unnatural life? (yes, i do)
do you take this woman in death for the rest of your unnatural life (yes, i do)
i now pronounce you.....
seperti mempelai lainnya, dua mayat ini mengucapkan wedding vow depan pastur yang mungkin udah ketakutan karna mau nikahin sepasang zombie hahahaha. Di part ini yang bertindak sebagai pasturnya si Zacky.
lanjut bagian chorus nya... sama aja yah kaya sebelumnya
coz i really always knew that my little crime would be cold that's why i gotta heater for your thighs
actually i'm not really sure what 'crime would be cold' and 'heater for your thighs' means hahaha tapi emang di MV nya ada heater gitu tapi gue gak ngarti itu maksudnya apa. anyone knows? please tell me.
and i know, i know it's not your time, but bye bye
Yeah si cewek mati dibunuh sama cowoknya sendiri walopun si cowok tuh tau kalo sebenernya belom waktunya bagi si cewek mati, tapi ya gimana udah terjadi, so bye bye, girl....
and a word to the wise when the fire dies you think it's over but it's jus begun
DAAAAN ternyata ini bukan akhir dari segalanya but this is just the beginning.
baby don't cry, you had my heart at least for the most part
coz everybody's gotta die sometime
we fell apart let's make a new start, coz everybody's gotta die sometime, but baby don't cry
di lirik we fell apart let's make a new start, itu menurut gue maksudnya si cowok tuh ngajak membuka lembaran baru, sebagai pasangan zombie pastinya, dan setelah wedding vow itu mereka jadi pasangan yang happily ever after bahkan kematian gak bisa misahin mereka karna setiap orang pasti bakal mati, kan?
segini aja review dari gue... ini sih lebih ke penafsiran yah bukan terjemahannya.
Lagu ini lagu paling kasar dari A7X karna paling banyak kata 'fuck' nya dan karna hal itu lagu ini gak dibolehin tayang secara live (tapi pas di X-Factor Indonesia 2013 ada boyband nyanyi lagu ini, yeah BOYBAND tonton disini) dan MV nya gak ditayangin sama MTV karna banyak kekerasannya, tapi lagu ini bener2 sebuah MASTERPIECE yang ditinggalin Jimmy untuk kita. Setiap denger lagu ini setiap nonton video live nya selalu mengingatkan kita sama Jimmy dan kalo streaming di youtube pasti komenan isinya "Oh Jimmy we miss you, wish you still around and play that fucking song again"
Well, every one loves Jimmy and misses him. I love him and miss him so badly, he was such a cute and hot drummer ever. We sometimes wonder if he just ran into the woods and he would come back after ten years and would be a knife master. But he would never come back. We gotta let him go, like the lyric said 'coz everybody's gotta die sometime'......................
ini link MV lagunya versi yang animasi A Little Piece Of Heaven karna gak bisa upload itu connection error huhuhhu
dan ini yang versi live di Long Beach Arena, California A Little Piece Of Heaven Live In The LBC
atau kalian langsung search on youtube aja.............
atau kalian langsung search on youtube aja.............
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